Five Nights at Freddys Sister Location Five Nights at Freddys Sister Location Funny Videos
As this is a Funny Moments page, spoilers will be left unmarked. You Have Been Warned!
Main Series:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | Sister Location | Pizzeria Simulator | Help Wanted | Security Breach
FNaF World | Ultimate Custom Night
Fazbear Frights
Despite the series coming back and giving us a ton of scares, that doesn't mean we can't have a good laugh!
- Scott simply admitting that he changed his mind on ending the series!
- The new Freddy animatronic has a freaking Bonnie handpuppet. Oh, and just like the cupcake from the previous game, it can kill you too! It's unexpected, but it's definitely hilarious.
- Baby kinda looks like a stereotypical Spoiled Brat, especially with the microphone in her hand.
- Ballora encourages kids to keep fit and enjoy pizza. And here we thought these two are mutually exclusive.
- Maybe the kids eat the pizza then dance off the calories! And then they pass out and throw up from eating so much and exercising afterwards!
- As of now, this image
◊ is on, seemingly showing that the game was cancelled... but once you brighten
◊ it, that doesn't seem to be the case. Scott's done it again!
- So Scott decided to release the "mature" version of Sister Location over at Game Jolt... ...and this game (which is Sit and Survive with a Freddy Fazbear head for the child's head)
is what we get. Oh, Scott, you glorious troll...
- The introduction to the first night, in contrast to the previous games, presented by the automated instruction unit Handy, is positively steeped in Black Comedy. Enhanced greatly by the fact that Handy's VA sounds like, and was clearly inspired by, the Announcer AI from Portal 2.
Handy: Welcome to the first day of your exciting new career. Whether you were approached at a job fair, read our ad in 'Screws, Bolts and Hairpins', or if this is the result of a dare, we welcome you. [...] Your new career promises challenge, intrigue, and endless janitorial opportunities.
Handy: (when the player character is crawling though a pitch-dark air vent) Allow me to fill the somewhat frightening silence with some lighthearted banter.
- It then has you inspect the animatronics, who aren't onstage when you turn on the lights. Handy then matter-of-factly has you motivate them into performing by pressing a button to give them a controlled shock (phrased thusly rather than, say, "recharge their power"), complete with over-the-top electrical buzzing and glowing. You will likely alternate between feeling sorry for the animatronics and laughing your butt off (and possibly realizing that this is going to land you in quite a bit of trouble later). On top of this, if an animatronic doesn't react, he simply has you hit the button again.
- Then, when you use the shock button on Circus Baby three times and nothing happens:
- The Running Gag of the Elevator touch screen's auto-correct.
- On your first night, you are given the option to type your name. Due to the touch screen being glitchy, it doesn't type in right. In the end, it auto-corrects itself to Eggs Benedict, even if it wasn't even close to what you were trying to type.
- On your second night, you have the possibility to change the computer voice guiding you. Using the same glitchy touch screen. So instead of a mature, cold man voice, you have... an angsty teen. Really.
- Best of all, it makes you choose a number for this. The keypad doesn't have any numbers on it.
- Night 3 has you select "soothing music"; this time, it auto corrects to "Casual Bongos".
- Night 5 (you were not in the elevator in day 4) has the option to choose a bonus (taken out of your next paycheck, of course). What does the auto-correct choose this time? Exotic Butters.
- Even better? The extras menu has a button of said exotic butters. Pressing it will say Exotic Butters.
- Additionally, there is no B button on the touch screen. Three of the auto-correct statements have "B" in them.
- The fact that the most popular bonus is the cash basket. Probably has to do with how the cost of the gift basket is taken out of one's own paycheck. The bonus was money you already earned.
- Instead of Atari-based minigames, the intermissions now have your character (with the ability to eat popcorn) watching a cheesy soap opera involving vampires. It's as goofy as it sounds.
- There's something darkly humorous about the bad ending.
All these times, the animatronics, thinking you're an endoskeleton, stuff you inside a spare suit. Now, you play the role of the suit they stuff the endoskeleton in.
- Also the fact that you were dumb enough to go into the scooper room, and that the scooper basically punches you.
- There is also the fact that the music that plays during the final cutscene sounds like it came from an old B-horror movie. Makes the whole idea of having your skin worn by a robot a lot less horrifying if you were to see it in that kind of light.
- It does come from a horror series: The Immortal and the Restless.
- What makes it even better is the fact that the silhouette of Ennard wearing your body is actually a blacked-out version of Rick Astley.
◊ That's right: Scott Rick Rolled us.
- Even better? "Never Gonna Give You Up" was originally released in 1987.
- Discovering the Private Room has Handy nonchalantly inform the player that after they are rescued at 6 AM, they will be fired.
- The Good Ending
has the player watching TV, only for Ennard to just... waddle towards you. It doesn't lunge or screech at you, just... waddles towards you.
- Especially funny if you go with the fanon that after all that, you decided to just take the killer animatronic home with you.
- Or, building on that, if you envision someone trying to stop the two of you on your way out, and the inevitable happening to them.
- Another amusing bit of fanon is that the only reason Ennard is entering is because he wants popcorn.
- Not to mention that, on the TV, Vlad and Clara reconcile over the fact that the ring he gave her was from a kid's meal.
- Also, your basket of exotic butters is sitting on top of the TV. For all his bugs, Handy was good for it!
- Especially funny if you go with the fanon that after all that, you decided to just take the killer animatronic home with you.
- For Black Comedy, there's the fact that on Night 5, you can find the two technicians that Handy tells you are still on site. They're just hanging around, despite not being scheduled to work the graveyard shift. Seems they're dead tired from a long day's work, you see, but anyone would be about at the end of their rope working for that company. Granted, this is only funny if you're not startled by them. And HandUnit still sees this as perfectly normal.
- Funtime Freddy's voice
can be this, since it sounds nothing like someone would expect it to be. Besides the glitching, he actually sounds kind of Adorkable, calling his hand puppet "Bon Bon" and possibly speaking with some kind of lisp.
- Bon-Bon/Bonnie
also seems to have gotten this as well. Despite what you would expect, this version of Bonnie for some reason has a female voice with a chipmunk-like laugh. It's so divorced from the fandom's expectations that you can't help but wonder if Scott was intentionally trying to troll the fandom via giving these two the least expected voices possible.
- Bon-Bon/Bonnie
- When doing maintenance on Funtime Freddy on night 3, you are given a small series of button presses to open Freddy's face-plate. One done, the face-plate opens and produces a loud, startling noise...which is followed by Handy simply saying "Good job!".
- When Baby tells you about the Scooper, she points out how its name sounding like something used to serve ice cream wouldn't sound so cute if you were the ice cream.
- Though it becomes a lot more horrifying when you realize she's talking about how she and the other animatronics are regularly scooped, which is implied to be a traumatic experience for them.
- There's something legitimately amusing about Baby calling you a "dummy" on Night 4, when previously she spoke in a formal, almost ethereal tone of voice.
- The fact that the Custom Night is non-canon seems to have given Scott free rein to make things as ridiculous as reasonably possible while still being scary. Some of the highlights:
- We have a female version of Bon-Bon called Bonnet. You defeat it by clicking on its nose. It even falls down and reaches for its nose, making it look like it just got bopped in the schnoz.
- The Minireenas. Their ability is to climb into your field of view and just... sit there. They don't attack you; they just make it harder to click on things. The menu goes out of its way to point out that there's no way to get rid of them; you just have to ride it out. On a meta-level, it's almost like Scott is subtly poking fun at himself for the original, nigh-unbeatable version of Night 4.
- Lolbit is an animatronic in this version; they act as a hallucination which causes visual and audio distortions. The cherry on top is the way you defeat it: you have to, and this isn't a joke, either enter "L-O-L" into the office keypad or type "LOL" on your keyboard.
- When you close the door on Bon Bon when Freddy sends him to attack you, you can hear a light but distinct thunk. That's clearly the sound of Bon Bon smacking into the door.
- Whenever you reach 6 AM in Custom Night, an active animatronic will say some final words as the screen fades away. Funtime Freddy's words?
(In a pouty tone) What a party pooper!
- Funtime Foxy's jumpscare animation isn't creepy on its own, as she just leans into view just like the original Foxy — he doesn't even open the faceplates. She even looks like he's smiling happily!
- The custom night "Minigames"
that you get for beating any mode on Very Hard shows Ennard, in Michael's body, cartoonishly walking across the street over and over again, with people waving at him. Oh, and every minigame after the second one shows why using someone's dead body as a disguise wasn't exactly a good idea.
- When you look at the sewer grate when your body gets back up after Ennard evacuated, you can see Ennard's eyes all open up in what appears to be complete shock.
- While what happens to Mike is rather gruesome to say the least, it doesn't change the fact that his sprite for the minigames looks like Heinz Doofenschmirtz.
- In the Sequel Hook cutscene after beating the "Golden Freddy" mode, Michael doesn't really seem scared of the fact that he's a corpse, talking like nothing special happened.
- On a meta level, a true testament as to how volatile the whole theory scene is is: The fact that, in terms of fan perception over the course of the game and Custom Night releases, the Purple Man went from an irredeemable psychopath down to a sociopath with a tragic past and a horrifying demise, then back up to a supernatural serial killer keeping himself alive through sheer force of evil, then a completely innocent patsy/dutiful son who just wanted some familial closure, and then it turns out that there's two of them, one of them being the innocent son while the other is an irredeemable psychopath. And, to top it all of, the son wasn't even a murderer in the first place note Unless one would buy the theory that he's the Big Brother Bully from the fourth game. In that case....
- The blueprints' notes are generally Nightmare Fuel, since it's clear what these machines were used for, but there is one note worth mentioning. Ballora has the ability to "Deter & Misdirect"...and this note is located right beside her breasts.
- For the third anniversary scottgames released more 'making of' pictures from when he was making the game. Sister Location highlights include:
- Funtime Freddy doing the splits in midair.
- Baby taking her head off, and being completely non-nonchalant about it.
- The fact that the model for the exotic butters is called exotic margarine in the file name. Yep, the company couldn't even give you butter without screwing it up.
- On Night 2, Handy will deactivate himself before you enter Ballora Gallery as to not cause any auditory disruptance... and then he will suddenly activate himself again and loudly remind you to hurry up as you are trying to get out of there.
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