Funny Picture Funny Writing Prompt Picture

As a classroom teacher, it was often hard to find time to fit writing into each school day. However, I knew that was a bad practice! There were days were we only had five minutes to write, but I knew that five minutes was better thanno minutes! That's where thesefunny picture writing prompts came into play!

Project Your Picture Prompt

I would go to my Pinterest board dedicated to funny pictures. From there, I would project one picture up on the board. (If your district blocks Pinterest – don't worry! I'll cover you later in this post.) Typically I knew which picture I wanted to use ahead of time, but sometimes I let the students help me choose.

Want to save some time and avoid Pinterest? Check out any of these Picture Writing Prompt downloads –

  • 50 "Caption This!" Funny Picture Writing Prompts
  • 150 Picture Writing Prompts
  • 170 Picture Writing Prompts
  • BUNDLE of 370 Picture Writing Prompts

Student DirectionsFunny Picture Writing Prompts can be a LOT of fun in your 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th grade classroom or homeschool! Click through to see where to find a HUGE collection of funny picture prompts that you can use with your students at ANY time. Or download the resource with all the images you need ready to go. You'll also find grading tips and more! {FREE preview filed contains three images you can test out - second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth graders, home school} #HoJoTeaches #WritingPrompts

Once I'd chosen one of the funny picture writing prompts to project, I would give the students one of the following assignments – depending on our time constraints:

  • Write three captions for this photo. (You can change this to 1-5 captions.)
    • You can purchase my "Caption This!" resource here to have immediate access to 50 images.
  • Write a five sentence story about this picture. (You could say anything from 3-10 sentences.)
  • Write a descriptive paragraph about this picture. (Length can be at your discretionor the students!)
  • Give students a specific question to answer in regard to the picture. (Some pictures lend themselves to this more easily than others.)
  • Or ANY other options you can think of.

I created a 150 picture resource or this 170 picture download to help save you time! Both resources includes four different prompt question types –

  • Explain…
  • If…, what…
  • Tell a story about…
  • Tell the story of what happens next.

Or read below to see how you can spend some time grabbing your own images for free.

My students had so much fun with this! This was a great time filler for those days when we just couldn't write the full amount. And it also worked well for those crazy holidays/shortened schedule days where kiddos were already crazy!

Sometimes we would even do 2-5 pictures. It just really would depend on what our schedule looked like, how quickly the kids wrote about that particular topic, and what my specific goal was.

Looking for seasonal picture writing prompts that are already done for you? Check these out!

  • 46 Fall Picture Writing Prompts
  • 72 Winter Picture Writing Prompts
  • 56 Spring Picture Writing Prompts
  • 36 Summer Picture Writing Prompts
  • Year Round Seasonal Writing Prompts

Funny Picture Writing Prompts can be a LOT of fun in your 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th grade classroom or homeschool! Click through to see where to find a HUGE collection of funny picture prompts that you can use with your students at ANY time. Or download the resource with all the images you need ready to go. You'll also find grading tips and more! {FREE preview filed contains three images you can test out - second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth graders, home school} #HoJoTeaches #WritingPrompts


Sometimes I would go around and "grade" their writings while they worked. This grading would simply be a participation checkmark in my notes. Other times I would tell the students that I was going to collect and grade them – often with a certain focus, such as spelling, grammar, or sentence structure. This way students knew exactly what to expect and what they should be focusing on.

At other times I wouldn't grade anything at all. If we had time, I'd let students share their stories. Since they were silly, it was often a good time to buid student relationships and get the giggles out. 🙂

Getting Around Pinterest

I know some schools block Pinterest. 🙁 But – don't worry! – you can still use the images at my funny picture writing prompts Pinterest board with your students!

    1. Go to the Pinterest board.
    2. Click on the picture you want students to focus on.
    3. Save the picture. (On a PC you do this by right-clicking and hitting "Save Picture As")
    4. Make sure to save the picture to somewhere you'll remember! (I normally save to my Desktop so the picture is easy to find.)
    5. If you're on a home computer, e-mail the picture to yourself and you'll be all set for your next funny picture writing prompts session.

Using funny picture writing prompts in the classroom is seriously a LOT of fun! There were days when we did this in the classroom that I'm not sure who laughed more – me or the students! 🙂

Remember you can grab any of my picture writing prompt resources here if you're looking to save time!

Click to get your FREE circle puzzles.

Want a FREE sample of my math puzzles?

Click here or on the image to grab your FREE circle puzzles. Then you'll see if these puzzles are a good fit for your students. Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division options are included in this freebie.

Funny Picture Writing Prompts can be a LOT of fun in your 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th grade classroom or homeschool! Click through to see where to find a HUGE collection of funny picture prompts that you can use with your students at ANY time. Or download the resource with all the images you need ready to go. You'll also find grading tips and more! {FREE preview filed contains three images you can test out - second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth graders, home school} #HoJoTeaches #WritingPrompts

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