Now is a great time to research. This will help you know exactly what to expect in a Level 4 home care package, and what you're eligible for when your package is available.

What services you can purchase with a Level 4 home care package

There are four levels of home care packages.

Level 4 is the most comprehensive package available for government-subsidised support at home.

It is designed for people whose health is in decline and who are struggling to do things on their own. This may include showering, toileting or dressing, and maintaining the home and property. Their health conditions reduce their confidence; they may not be leaving the house.

You may have several health conditions that affect your ability to safely shower or dress yourself.  Your family doesn't want you to clean the gutters or windows on your own. You may rely more and more on family to do things like shopping, vacuuming or mowing the lawns. Yet, you're determined to live at home for as long as possible.

A Level 4 home care package can help pay for equipment and support workers that make everyday tasks easier and safer for you.

What you buy using your home care package funds will differ from what other people pay for. Your home care package is based on your needs and the things that will help you live a full and active life.

A senior women wearing glasses and and apron holds chopped tomatoes while smiling at the cameraMeet Elsa

Elsa is 84 and loves her independence. She is determined to live in her own home for as long as she lives! Her family feels at ease knowing Elsa has a personal safety alarm and technology that lets them know if something is out of the ordinary.

Using her Level 4 home care package, Elsa and her Care Advisor planned:

  • Two hours of house cleaning each week – a support worker vacuums, mops, dusts and cleans the bathroom and kitchen
  • A support worker visits five times a week to help Elsa with showering and grooming
  • A 30-minute nursing health check each week – this is based on Elsa's medical history. The nurse works with Elsa's doctor to plan the right care
  • Two hours of shopping assistance each week – a support worker buys and unpacks Elsa's groceries on her behalf
  • Two hours of lawn mowing and gardening every three weeks – a support worker mows the lawns and weeds the garden beds
  • A personal safety alarm, which Elsa can use if she has a fall and can't reach the telephone
  • A monitoring system that alerts Elsa's family if something is amiss. Elsa's system includes a sensor mat next to her bed, which alerts her family if she hasn't gotten out of bed by 11am. It also includes an alarm if the front door is left ajar or unlocked for more than two minutes. Elsa also receives a reminder on her phone to take her medicine each morning and night
  • An annual occupational therapy assessment. This regular assessment will ensure Elsa has the technology, equipment and home modifications she needs to remain living on her own
  • Annual carpet, window and gutter cleaning
  • The preparation of meals to help Elsa have a good diet
  • Purchase of a scooter and a chair as recommended by an occupational therapist
  • Continence products as recommended by a continence nurse

Consider the help you need

When you're assigned your Level 4 home care package, your chosen provider will work with you to plan your care and organise the services you need. While you're waiting for your package, it's worth thinking about how you're living now and what kind of help would make life easier for you.

Ask yourself

  • How am I managing at home? What is easy and what is harder to do?
  • Do I get out in the garden?
  • Am I preparing and eating three meals a day?
  • Do I go grocery shopping?
  • Have I had a fall, or am I scared of falling?
  • Am I still driving?
  • Am I making it to the social groups (golf club, country women's association, men's shed) I care about?
  • Is my family worried about my safety? What are they concerned about?
  • What do I need help with most?
  • What support would make life easier for me?

Answer each question honestly and have a copy of your answers with you when you're ready to plan your package of services.

Still not sure what services or equipment you can buy with a Level 4 home care package? Download our guide to learn the different services you can receive.

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